Monday, February 26, 2007

Undeserved Love

Imagine someone turning their back on you after you had given them everything you had. Imagine someone going their own way after you have provided the best way possible. Now, we can't give someone everything we have, nor provide the best way possible, because we are just human.

Someone has given everything they have. Someone does provide the best way possible.


And what do we, as ignorant humans, when He has done this?

Most of the time we turn our backs. Most of the time we go our own way, thinking that we know better and that we can provide our own way. Most of the time our reaction might as well be to slap God in the face and say, "I like my way better. Shut up!"

It's crazy how we are willing to turn our back on Him so easily.

But one thing continues to amaze me every minute of every day. HIS UNFAILING LOVE.

I mean, we can just turn our backs on God and His plans; we can nail Jesus to the cross, and yet, there He is. Open arms. Wanting you to run back to Him so that He can rejoice in your presence. He rejoices in our presence as well. He wants us to choose Him.

I still do not know if I fully grasp this concept of unfailing love, but how can we as humans? We hold grudges against our neighbors, even for something as small as someone wearing our shirt without asking. Our immediate reaction is to get upset. We do not have this concept of unfailing love in our minds and hearts.

So, I guess I will just remain amazed at how God can continue to love us after nailing His son to the cross; how He still loves us after we turn our backs on Him, and He still loves us after we choose our ways over His.

1 comment:

RedRoadHome said...

Inspired a new posting for me: the picture of the Woodsman in Edge of Eternity.