Friday, March 09, 2007

Wobbly Knees

Over the last 38 hours, I have learned a lot; mostly about one subject though -- the UNSHAKABLE STRENGTH of God. It is astounding to me how much strength He has in our lives, and the best part, He gives us His strength to get through our daily routines.

I love the fact that no matter how weak you are, God is right there and is willing to lend you strength to get through the toughest situations. He wants to give you strenght; I mean, that is part of the reason for His son dying for us -- that we may know His strength and love for us.

Perhaps some examples are necessary here.

Take my friend for example. Unequipped for teaching (at least in her mind). Does not fit the 'teacher's mold.' An introvert in an occupation which requires you to be somewhat of an extrovert. Sounds like she might be in the wrong profession if we were to look at it from a worldly perspective.

But not so quick.

She feels that God has called her to this occupation. So what does He do? Gives her strength to do her job. And she relies on that. She is aware that He is at work here and continues to do His work in her life. He will strengthen us in the areas into which He has called us.

I hate to use an example from my life, but I suppose that is necessary. For the last 38 hours, I have had no calories enter my body. I want to feel His strength in my life, which trust me, I have in the last 2 hours.

I want to know what my brothers and sisters in Africa go through each day -- where more than one meal a day is a luxury. Where my brothers and sisters die every day from starvation. Where my brothers and sisters don't know the feeling of a full stomach every night before going to sleep.

Why are we so disconnected from them? Why, when the topic is discussed, do we immediately have a remorseful response, but fail to act upon it?

I guess my challenge is to not just hear about the plight of our brothers and sisters througout the world, but to take action. To step out of our comfortable dorm rooms, dining halls, Waffle Houses, nation and help those in need. Help our brothers and sisters who are much less fortunate than we are.

Back to my story for a little I guess. I got up today with some really wobbly knees. I guess the fast has started to take a little bit of an effect on me; however, it was in this moment of complete weakness and vulnerability to temptation (especially to go over to the Commons and grab a bagel) that I recognized my inability to do anything about it.

I cannot give myself strength. I cannot make myself stop hungering. I cannot, on my own, resist temptation.

Rather, all of these strengths that I have found come from God. And He readily provides them for all. His love stretches across race, gender, age, occupation, or whatever else you can think of. He LOVES US ALL EQUALLY AND WILL GIVE TO US ALL WHAT WE NEED!

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