Saturday, April 28, 2007


The other day, I was talking with Ryan about what my career might be. He asked me, 'What am I passionate about?'

This is a good question. I thought about it for a minute, then said, 'Well, I really like what I am doing in accounting. I guess, I am passionate about that.' But am I really passionate about accounting? To answer this, we need to define what it means to be passionate.

We too often think of the literal definition: 'compelled or ruled by intense emotion.' Which I guess works for this meaning; however, what are we compelled by? Or, better yet, compelled to?

So, yea, I might love accounting. I might love what I am doing. I might have intense emotion about doing accounting for the rest of my life. But is that what it means to be passionate?

After a few minutes of discussion, Ryan clarified what his meaning of passion was. Passion to him was to be willing to sacrifice anything to see that area redeemed. (I hope at this point that I am not misquoting Ryan. Please let me know if I did, Ryan, or if I completely missed what you were saying.)

So, what areas am I so willing to give everything to see changed? It has been pretty interesting over the last few days to think about. Is it




or somewhere else?

One of the things I guess that I should examine is where am I willing to spend my life. Is it in business? Do I feel like that would be a good fit for me? Or do I feel so passionately about it to try to change it for the better? Where do I feel needs redeemed enough to sacrifice all else?

I will have do some 'growing up' in the next few months and decide what I might do with my life. I need to think about where I feel most passionately about. I need to examine where I might be able to make a change. It should be interesting.

1 comment:

RedRoadHome said...

I pray that your time in Cedar is useful for learning about your passions and so much more. It's so encouraging to be used to get you thinking, and I pray that God continues His good work in you in establishing you in His Truth during your summer experiences in Michigan and New Jersey as well as pushing you to give joyfully and sacrificially out of your abundance in love for Him and His world.