Monday, February 05, 2007


So the other day, I was watching the Super Bowl with some of my friends and some of my youth group students. It was a new and interesteing experience for me to watch what I consider one of the most important sporting events of the year with people who don't necessarily view it the same way (it's kind of like if I were to watch the Acadamy Awards with Steven Spielberg; he sees them in a much different light than I). It was a new and interesting experience for me.

Many people that I was watching the game with were concerned about the commercials. They were "watching" the game to see what new and attractive methods of advertising would be employed by companies this year.

So, I am watching these commercials, probing every aspect of them to see what was really going on. I am sure that you have had similar experiences -- watching a commercial and when it is over, asking yourself, "What in the world was that commercial advertising?"

I absolutely love the commercials for this. They have absolutely nothing to do with what the company does (in case you were wondering, they help people to set up websites for companies, personal use, etc.) I would have never know this from watching one of their commercials, which usually involve some form of a half-dressed woman with a group of men gathering around her in awe. Pretty awesome advertising for a company which makes websites, huh? If you design a website, you will have half-dressed women around you.

We know that this is a lie. But where do we have "commercials" in our lives? Where do we put on a show that has nothing to do with what we are actually doing? It comes down to, "Where is the HEART behind your actions.

Are you just going through the motions?

Do you actually mean what you do?

One of the biggest areas that I see this is with worship. I myself am guilty of this at times. Singing a song, I find myself getting caught up in, "How do I sound? Should I be kneeling? Should I raise my hands?" For some odd and ridiculous reason, I cannot just let myself worship freely. I am trying to look right, and, by doing so, I forget where my heart lies. I am not giving God all of my heart. I mean, it is His, right?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh, boy...I hear it. Do you? The Beach Project is calling...