Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Left Unspoken (Part II)

As I said, I would not forget about the others here at the project.

To LeeAnna: It is an encouragement to see your desire for knowledge from the word. Your discernment and desire for discernment is a blessing to this house. I pray that you continue to hold to that as you go back to your youth group. They will benefit greatly from having you as a teacher.

To Jake: Your willingness to step into positions of leadership at the project have been awesome. It has been great to watch the transformation happen in you from being timid about leading worship to doing it on a weekly basis. Also, your desire for us to pray together and taking the initiative on that is an amazing step to see you take.

To Emily: Your passion is contagious and brings new excitement to the Word daily. To see you begin to have hope in all things has been refreshing. God has some great plans for you at Waynesburg next year, as well as further into the future. Don't lose your fervor for the Lord.

To Jenn: What you have learned this summer is evident. You continue to apply the knowledge you gain and seek out answers for yourself. You don't just accept things at face value, but are determined to understand why some have the opinions that they do. This is a gift to be cherished, which I hope that you keep near and dear to your heart.

To Lindsay: Restoration is difficult to see from an outside perspective. The growth that I have seen in you though is uplifting. To see you more willing to get into deep, difficult discussions now is good. It shows that you are interested in what others think, which too often is overlooked in our society. For that reason, you have been a major blessing to this house.

Thank you to everyone in the house again for a truly unforgettable summer. I will always cherish this summer for as long as I shall live.

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