Sunday, August 05, 2007

Left Unspoken

The other night at our banquet for the Ocean City Beach Project, we did what we called a "say-so." Everyone had the opportunity to get up and speak about what they had learned from the summer, or some words of encouragement for one another, or just to say 'thanks' for some of the things that had been going on. It was a time in which tears flowed, joy abounded, and eyes were opened. There were some things that I didn't say and I feel may have been left unspoken.

To Sarah: It was your last night with us. I just want to tell you how awesome it was to see your discipline. I don't know of anyone who could have been training for field hockey, leading Bible studies, doing daily devotions, working, and hanging out with people as well as you did. It is a huge encouragement to see that and know that it is possible to balance so many things at one time.

To Ryan: Your dedication to this summer and this project was a blessing. You invested in so many people here and got to know almost everyone. I hope that you continue to seek out daily times in which you can seek the Lord. It was great getting to see how you grew in the area of dedication though.

To Katie: Perhaps the most enthusiastic and happy person I know. Your presence is so uplifting. Our talks showed me how you were willing to open yourself up to others and share your past. It is a true blessing and will help you to relate and reach out to those around you. I am excited to hear about how God will be using you on Penn State's campus next year.

To Jaclyn: What a difference this summer has made for your confidence. At the beginning of the summer, as you have noted yourself, you were timid about your knowledge and thought that you didn't know as much as those around you. Well, you do know so much and are able to share your knowledge in a manner that allows people to relate to you. Also, your willingness to pray in our D-group was a giant step of faith. I am glad to see how you have become more and more confident throughout the summer.

To Amy: I think that two words (names) can sum up the stresses of the summer for you: Abbi and Noah. To be able to deal with them stretched you to the limit. Your being here, away from home, was stretching you as well. Your adaptability with the group was also encouraging to see. I can't wait to see how God will stretch you even further as you walk with Him.

Don't think that I have forgotten about the others. It is just getting pretty late, so I will have to continue this tomorrow. I just wanted to let you guys know that I have seen so much change in everyone in the house that it has been a motivation for me back at campus next year. I pray that we would seek to stay in touch with one another, however frequently that may be, so that we can hear how God has used this summer in each of our lives.

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